Visualize Your Data(1)
Runhang /
data<-read.csv("primates data.csv")
data ## When we look at this data, we can see there are a lot of NA and we want to get rid of them
## Spp Bodywt Brainwt
## 1 Potar monkey 10.0 115
## 2 Gorilla 207.0 406
## 3 Human 62.0 1320
## 4 Rhesus monkey 6.8 179
## 5 Chimp 52.2 440
## 6 NA NA
## 7 NA NA
## 8 NA NA
## 9 NA NA
## 10 NA NA
## 11 NA NA
## 12 NA NA
## 13 NA NA$Brainwt) ## create a vector to manipulate data-- it is very useful
newdata<-data[!vec,] ## the exclamatory mark "!"" mean "reverse", that means we do not want rows that contain NA.
## Spp Bodywt Brainwt
## 1 Potar monkey 10.0 115
## 2 Gorilla 207.0 406
## 3 Human 62.0 1320
## 4 Rhesus monkey 6.8 179
## 5 Chimp 52.2 440
Now, we get rid of the data we do not want and let us plot our data!
plot(x=newdata$Bodywt,y=newdata$Brainwt,pch=19,xlab='Body weight(kg)',ylab='Brain weight(kg)',xlim=c(0,250))
## pch is use for different type of dot, xlab set the x-axis text,xlim set the x-axis length
## Now we want to add text alongside each dot
## pos=4 means "right", pos=1 means "under"