舒润航 / 2020-04-28
正因为人都是有思想懒性的,写作才显得尤为重要,它促进了我们的思考。 在写作过程中,一些观点可以跃然纸上,而这些观点在平日里仅仅是浮光掠影般转瞬即逝
印象很深的是那次黄老板带我分析他写的基金,字字珠玑,句句话都是我想写却写不出来的(至少5年内写不出来)但是他和我说了一句:“看到了吗?我这个基金还被ranked at the bottom, it is never all set!”
Guideline for Scientific Writing:
- TENSE is very important, When it is a statement or a fact or a truth, such as (1) our results show XXXX; (2) Our findings suggest XXX Using PRESENT tense
2. When it is an experimental observation, such as (1) We found XXX; (2) The axenic flies appeared to feed on different fruits more randomly (3) XXX developed faster and produced more offspring
3. Future work section You want to describe the purpose instead of which tools or method you would apply.
4. Writing an abstract is very different from writing a grant In grant, you need to show your preliminary data and illustrate why you need the money! However, in an abstract, try your best you convince the readers. Do NOT be ambiguous.
5. Hypothesis must be aligned with objectives if the objective is: Test the aging effect in susceptibility of covid-19 Then, the corresponding hypothesis would be like: Older people is more vulnerable to get infected Your hypothesis should NOT be like this: The immune system is weeker in older people….
再举个例子,假如我的研究目的是:探究喝酸奶对肠道菌群丰富度的影响 我的假说可以是:喝酸奶提高肠道菌群丰富度,或者喝酸奶对肠道菌群丰富度没影响 不能这样假说:喝酸奶有益健康,并伴随着肠道乳酸杆菌的丰富度增加 这样假说对应的研究目的是什么呢? 大概应该是这样的:Characterize the effect of dietary yogurt in the interplay between Lactobacillus richness and human fitness…..